The customers had me running around cutting their lawns. PHEW!!
One customer showed me his dead looking BANANA PLANTS. I'm in the same boat, sadly. It was a nasty winter.
On the bright side, he showed off his pride and joy. A Slow Worm, one of a pair, that snooze in the top of his compost heap.
This is pretty normal around here at this time of year and one of the best things to see in a garden. For a different view of this beastie, go to
In the same garden, quietly unfurling, are these fern fronds. Mine are still completely asleep and I live just down the hill.. NOT FAIR!
Getting the Peas In.
Still in the loo roll centres and looking ready to be popped into hte warm soil.
Found quite a few of these CENTIPEDES hiding in the peas. Also found a Millipede, but it scarpered before I could get a piccy.
The other thing I found a few of was this - snails eggs ..... or are they slugs. As I can't see hoe snails would get inside the loo roll tubes, i reckon on them being slugs eggs. I put them, what ever they were, in the compost.
2 rows planted and 2 to go in.I took them out of the loo roll tubes, despite the fact tat the person who gave me the white tubes, said there's no need to as the roots push through the card easily. I didn't see any evidence of that happening.
Unwrapped seedling. I used last years used grow bag compost to start them off. Peas are power packs and don't need loads of rich compost to start with.
All in. The last 6 were left in the tubes, as an experiment to see how they compare with the other ones.
I made a small dip on the uphill side of each plant as a reservoir for watering.
My work here is complete. I head home for a nice cup of tea and a mooch around my own garden.
This reed is flowering. It has a lovely variegated leaf too.
Not a Forget Me Not!!
This is a Forget Me Not!
My first Tulip of the year. I love Tulips.
Daffs are going over, Tulips are on their way, and everything else is zinging with colour. PUKKA SPRING BED.
Small, but perfectly formed.
AND my Plum's in bloom.