I'll have to come clean, it was wetter yesterday. Although it did TIP DOWN at about 3 O'clock, by which time I was snuggled up n the classroom being 'MISS' for an afternoon, so it could rain all it wanted.
But first, I had to get digging in a Nailsworth garden. Me and Bobbins toiled together. Bobbins for grub/s, me for grub, only indirectly .... had to earn the money first.
This little bird's so bold that it comes too close for my camera to focus on it! Here Bobbins is less than a metre away.
Not content with a warm nest and a ready supply of worms, this little bird wanted the garden chair AND my cuppa. Cheeky little thing.
I'm so lovely, you can't resist finding worms for me to eat, can you?
I worked hard this morning to finish revealing a set of steps at the far end of an Ivy covered bank. Next time I go I'll be doing the same to the lower section. Once it's done, it'll be put down to grass with spring bulbs, Primulas and Cowslips dotted through it. Fairly low maintenance, but pretty during Spring time.
MeWally took a few piccys in our garden the other day. Here they are.
Victoria Plum Blossom
Perfectly scented Narcissus.
Takes a good piccy dunnee?