You can't beat a dollop of mud a day to keep the Doctor at bay.

Why not follow me about as I garden for money and just for fun in beautiful Nailsworth and its' environs.

What's it all about?

My gardens, that's all and any gardening related stuff I guess you might be interested in.

Where do I garden?

My house is in the centre of Nailsworth. With the wind in the right direction, we get a strong whiff of curry as it floats out of the Passage to India and into our front garden. We never get this smell anywhere else on our premises, which is either a good thing, or a bad one, depending on your point of view. As you now know we have a garden, a small rectangle, at the front of the house, and a triangular courtyard garden at the back. Then there's the Garden Plot, right down in the heart of Nailsworth, which I rent from a local business. This is new as from Autumn 2009 and will take a lot of work to help it become productive. I try to garden for veges at my friend Debbis house and for fun with my next door neighbour.

It adds up to a lot of work. For a relaxing hobby, it's proving stressful at times, but, mostly it's heaven.

There are customers who like me to work for them right through the year, and others who I see during the summer months. This working more days a week in the summer than in the winter, of course. The way to keep the finances stable for me has been to teach on the days I don't garden. Works really well for me. The bills get paid, we haven't starved to death yet and we get to have fun ... sometimes!
Showing posts with label Onions. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Onions. Show all posts

Friday, 29 October 2010

The Plot Friday 28.10.10

Here it is, the effect of the frost on the COURGETTES and SUNBURST SQUASHES. 

I haven't cleared it all away yet, because it's probably better use of the mild, dry day, to get on with planting.

Today I'm EXPERIMENTING with potatoes. If you leave any spuds in, as you do, the following year they grow.  This year we had a really good crop of ANYA as a result of leaving a few behind in the ground last year. We simply didn't find them all. 

The upshot of all that is that I've decided to put back in the really diddy spuds from this years crop - NOW. I'm rotating my crops, so the risk of spreading blight is minimised. I put in 34 each (one rows worth) of ANYA, SWIFT and PICASSO. I'll put in a similar amount next year at the normal time, and compare the results.


Here's a snap of the RIDGES above the FURROW with the SPUDS dibbered deeply into the soil. I figure that they will need to be deep enough to avoid the winter frosts. Once in , I covered them with soil by the way.

I attacked another bed and ran the marker lines. To save time I came up with this CUNNING SYSTEM. I went up and down, passing  the string around carefully placed sticks as I went. This meant I could reach across and put the ONION SETS into 3 rows at a time. 


I chose RADAR onion sets as they were the only type that GORDON at the NAILSWORTH IRONMONGER had for sale this year! 

I tend to put the sets in fairly deep, as they push their way up and out of the soil as their roots dig into the earth. I used my ancient DIBBER to help with this. Once they were all in. it was time to rake over the bed and 


Sunday, 25 July 2010

Onion Harvest 26.6.10

The badgers have had a go at digging up the onions that I've been growing in my neighbours' garden. 

We decided to dig them up and use/store them as they were fighting a losing battle next door, what with the wildlife and 5 weeks of little or no rain.

Not a bad haul for a shorter, tougher season than I'd planned for.