The RUNNER BEANS and FRENCH BEANS need their supports put in about now. OK, I know some people put hem in at the end of winter, often before they've sown their seeds!
Push in a stick per bean, slope them as you push them in.
Lay a stick along the point where your 'vertical' stick cross over to form a channel.
Cut a length of string for each pair of crossed sticks.
Follow these steps for the simplest and fastest knotting system.
Finish with a bow - seem sissy? Well it wont when the frost is nipping your fingers and you want to undo the knots and get back indoors!
Where only 2 sticks cross, use this simple cross over knot.
BROAD BEANS are just about ready for a first picking - one more week,
The LEEKS are lost amongst the weeds.
Clear all the weeds away to give the tiny seedling a fighting chance. This customer always rushes out and throws down lashings of slug pellets - it drives me crazy.
Lovely ROSE - stop and enjoy.
I have 2 FRONT DOOR PLANTS that keep blowing over - it's the high winds we're having at the moment.
So, having potted the plants into larger pots, I poured gravel on and around each plant.
Once the original pot had been covered up, I was happy. Last night, with high winds and heavy rain (AT LAST) the pots stayed upright.
Give it a go if you have the same problem.