You can't beat a dollop of mud a day to keep the Doctor at bay.

Why not follow me about as I garden for money and just for fun in beautiful Nailsworth and its' environs.

What's it all about?

My gardens, that's all and any gardening related stuff I guess you might be interested in.

Where do I garden?

My house is in the centre of Nailsworth. With the wind in the right direction, we get a strong whiff of curry as it floats out of the Passage to India and into our front garden. We never get this smell anywhere else on our premises, which is either a good thing, or a bad one, depending on your point of view. As you now know we have a garden, a small rectangle, at the front of the house, and a triangular courtyard garden at the back. Then there's the Garden Plot, right down in the heart of Nailsworth, which I rent from a local business. This is new as from Autumn 2009 and will take a lot of work to help it become productive. I try to garden for veges at my friend Debbis house and for fun with my next door neighbour.

It adds up to a lot of work. For a relaxing hobby, it's proving stressful at times, but, mostly it's heaven.

There are customers who like me to work for them right through the year, and others who I see during the summer months. This working more days a week in the summer than in the winter, of course. The way to keep the finances stable for me has been to teach on the days I don't garden. Works really well for me. The bills get paid, we haven't starved to death yet and we get to have fun ... sometimes!
Showing posts with label Peas. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Peas. Show all posts

Sunday, 4 March 2012

Peas n Beans and Thats Shallot

Dug over a section of the plot today and put in Peas, Broad Beans and some Dwarf French Beans.
All can go in NOW, according to their packets.

I dibbered holes for the beans, but the peas were a different matter. For the peas I drew a trench with a draw hoe, then broadcast peas all over the trench. Once covered they'll get away fairly fast. I Didn't soak any seeds prior to planting, but I could've.

If the weather becomes REALLY COLD again, I'll have to crack out the fleece to protect the seedlings.

Let's hope I don't get caught out because of my attack of 

Sunday, 25 July 2010

Butts and Peas 1.7.10

Gerry the Dairy popped over with the girls and a gift for me. I love gifts, even ones like this! It will be made into a water butt up at the Garden Plot, but first the IODINE will have to go.

Had to take it's piccy as the colours are so intense.

There are always concerns about disposing of these chemicals, no matter how much water's used for dilution.

I took the tub up to the GARDEN PLOT and while I was there had a look to se if there was anything to eat - YET

Peas and Broad Beans are fab .... so I've grown them.

The Broad Bean leaves can be eaten too, although, even after cooking, they're not that scrummy.

Some of the Peas had little GRUBS in them - 

Wednesday, 9 June 2010

On The Plot - Monday 7.6.10

Spent a few hours working on the Garden Plot today. Beginning to get somewhere now - at last.

Gerry The Dairy gave me this plastic sheeting, as you may remember, to mulch about a third of the plot. Rather than take it up and give the Brambles and stuff a chance to get away again, I've cut holes in it and planted through it.  I'm worried that when I get back there again, I'll find a load of holes and no plants: SLUGS.

My COURGETTES look really good - above
I put in several PUMPKINS; below

The Pumpkins don't look as good as the Courgettes - still it's all academic, because the slugs are probably gorging on them right now, as I type this blog.....sob. The other thing I popped in was 4 or 5  YELLOW SQUASHES. They're the squat ones with a frilly edge that looks like a crown.

I know this looks a bit of a mess; it's my RUNNER BEANS. Must put in the bean sticks, if the slugs don't get them!

Away from the plastic sheeting, I found a space for LEAF BEET.  They look so good, I can't wait to eat them. This will be a perpetual bed, reseeding itself year on year. The ultimate LAZY BED.

The SPUDS are growing like Topsy. Next time I go there, I'll earth them up as they're about 6ins tall, which is just right.

 I'm concerned that the PEAS are over  productive considering their tiny stature. In light of this, I've been removing the peas as they appear. I've now had 2 big handfuls of Mange Tout.

You can see the rain drops on the leaves, I went home after taking this shot because it began raining really quite hard.

Sunday, 30 May 2010

Plants On The Plinth - Saturday 29.5.10

The Plinth is clear and filled with plants in pots. It looks very presentable. There's plenty of room for more.

The boxy thing in the centre of the picture is the spring. The whole area keeps wet, because of the overflowing water. I'm hoping it'll be enough to keep the compost in the pots wet.

Amazingly, the spuds have come up already! They've ONLY been in for 12 days. 


And as for the PEAS, well, take a look.

They're festooned with pods. Trouble is, the plants are fairly small, so they'll be stripped of their pods right now. That will leave them with more energy to grow into big plants with masses of peas.