Spent a third day this week working on the garden plot; just digging and putting in spuds.
The first earlies and earlies were getting desperate to go into the ground, with long, stalky stems and tight , knotted roots enmeshing them together. In contrast, the main crop spuds are chitted to perfection. Just look at this little guy.
By the end of the day I'd put in the last of of the 100, or so, spuds. Looking from the spud end of the plot, I now have a strip of empty dug ground, Spuds (obviously), Beans, Peas, and flowers of one kind, or another, and a Nettle and Bramble bed at the far end.
It's been tough getting the plot to this stage. Levering and digging out the Bramble roots; ugghh.
This root's over a metre across and was attached to about 4 other centres of growth. I've caught them all just in time, as those white bits are the new season's growth following on from a tight strimming and 2 passes with the Rotavator last Autumn.
The other big problem here has been the Dandelion plants which have been left undisturbed for years allowing roots up to half a metre long to develop. These ones are only about 10ins (I love to mix my units of measurement).
Again the new growth is beginning to show, even though most Dandelions have flowered and the clocks are everywhere right now. It's amazing how plants can regenerate after such an attack.
Spent the tail end, of this rather long day, ripping out Nettles and Goose Grass to save having their seeds fall everywhere later in the season.
All the while today,
the watering had to be done. I'm really lucky to have a spring, but, unfortunately, it only delivers a trickle of water which I catch in a trug. I get about a watering can full every half an hour, or so. Gives me a chance for a break; you know, empty the weeds, water the existing plants, take a deep breath, and then ....
All the while today,
the watering had to be done. I'm really lucky to have a spring, but, unfortunately, it only delivers a trickle of water which I catch in a trug. I get about a watering can full every half an hour, or so. Gives me a chance for a break; you know, empty the weeds, water the existing plants, take a deep breath, and then ....