You can't beat a dollop of mud a day to keep the Doctor at bay.

Why not follow me about as I garden for money and just for fun in beautiful Nailsworth and its' environs.

What's it all about?

My gardens, that's all and any gardening related stuff I guess you might be interested in.

Where do I garden?

My house is in the centre of Nailsworth. With the wind in the right direction, we get a strong whiff of curry as it floats out of the Passage to India and into our front garden. We never get this smell anywhere else on our premises, which is either a good thing, or a bad one, depending on your point of view. As you now know we have a garden, a small rectangle, at the front of the house, and a triangular courtyard garden at the back. Then there's the Garden Plot, right down in the heart of Nailsworth, which I rent from a local business. This is new as from Autumn 2009 and will take a lot of work to help it become productive. I try to garden for veges at my friend Debbis house and for fun with my next door neighbour.

It adds up to a lot of work. For a relaxing hobby, it's proving stressful at times, but, mostly it's heaven.

There are customers who like me to work for them right through the year, and others who I see during the summer months. This working more days a week in the summer than in the winter, of course. The way to keep the finances stable for me has been to teach on the days I don't garden. Works really well for me. The bills get paid, we haven't starved to death yet and we get to have fun ... sometimes!

Tuesday 19 May 2015

Fencing Match - Tuesday 19.5.15

I couldn't get to this house because of the 

 2 police cars,

 pick up truck, tipper truck, van, 4WD and trailer, digger, car....

I parked in the lane with some of the others.

 The police were chatting to the nasty neighbour as the contractors and surveyor waited to get cracking.
(The man in the hat is NOT the nasty neighbour)

 The neighbour had done some weird things in order to prevent the fence erection. Here he's pushed a pile of tables into the hedge!

 By 11am the protagonist had been calmed and the 5 contractors and the surveyor were able to get on with the job. One of the police officers left.

 By 5pm the fencer had 2 small panels to fit.
I left them to it and came home.

Let's hope the nasty piece of work stays quietly on his side of the fence for 

Thursday 14 May 2015

Customers Gardens - 30.4.15

Enjoy these shots of gardening life in the Cotswolds.

 This one's mine; tomatoes outside too early so they need protecting from the cold nights!
Trouble is, the bags rattle around in the wind and batter the wee plants.

This garden belongs to a partially sighted customer who likes brightly coloured, block planting which offers maximum impact. 

Although it may lack subtlety, it can be seen by my customer, as a splurge of glowing colour, which I'm told is wonderful in a dingy, grey world.

 The next 3 shots are all of one of my favourite gardens,

 because it's wild, and very clever.

You must be brave to create such a free look and yet maintain a degree of control.
A light touch is key.

My Little Garden - 24.4.15

 I thought you might like a look at my garden.

 The old trough has really enjoyed the mild and dry winter,

 as has the whole garden.

 If they stay dry,

blooms last much longer.

This is the best Spring I've known.

Sunday 21 September 2014

19. - 24th September 2014

This garden is almost complete.
The final tweeks will take place on the morning of Fri 26th September.


The view from the shed: 



The view from the conservatory:

looking towards the conservatory: before,



after; from the arch.

from the conservatory; after.

The centre bed:


And the centre bed from the arch.

The side path (shed to composting area):


Path again; before,


Beyond the arch:




looking towards the arch; after.

The compost area: 
before (to be finished 26.9.14)'

The front garden: 
from the pavement, before


The front garden: 
from the pavement and drive, before.


The front garden:
from the front door looking left, before.


The front garden:

The above border (close-up), before.


The front garden:
from the front door looking right, before


The front garden:

The bed in front of the house, before,


The back of the above border after.